Everyone knows cannabis has become an incredibly hot topic in healthcare across the world over the last decade. With hundreds of clinical trials currently underway, our understanding of the many uses of cannabinoids in healthcare is ever expanding. While the majority of research has focused on applications in human medicine, there is growing interest in the potential of cannabis products, particularly cannabidiol, in veterinary medicine and pet healthcare.


Though THC is potentially toxic to animals in substantial doses, hemp-derived CBD products typically contain only trace amounts of THC. Anecdotal evidence from many pet owners indicates that CBD may be helpful for a wide range of ailments including seizures, arthritis, anxiety, and chronic pain. And while there is a lack of hard scientific evidence for the benefits of CBD in animal healthcare, Colorado State University is currently conducting the first clinical trials to determine the effectiveness of hemp-derived CBD oil in treating both epilepsy and osteoarthritis in dogs. Prior to the current study, CSU completed a safety, toxicity, and pharmacokinetic study, determining that the compound is safe enough to use in further trials, showing only mild side effects and no adverse health reactions. While outcomes of the current clinical trial are still unknown, the demonstrated safety profile of CBD, along with the wealth of anecdotal evidence indicating its benefits, has lead to an explosion of interest in CBD products for pets.


Pet owners in the U.S. spend a huge amount of money caring for their animals every year – over $69 billion in 2017, according to the American Pet Products Association, an industry group that represents manufacturers. While a major part of this spending is on food, an even greater portion (over $30 billion) is spent on supplies, over the counter medicine, and veterinary care. Cannabis healthcare companies are beginning to take notice of this massive industry, and are developing products aimed at the pet healthcare market. Two publicly traded companies have recently taken the lead in this emerging market: Medical Marijuana, Inc. with their subsidiary Phyto Animal Health, and Stony Hill Corp. with their TherPet line of CBD pet products.


In January, Medical Marijuana, Inc. (MJNA) announced their newest portfolio company, Phyto Animal Health. This new subsidiary is focused on creating hemp-based products for dogs, cats, and horses, including CBD oils and hemp bedding and litter. Pet Vitality™ is their all-natural CBD hemp oil meant for cats and dogs, blending decarboxylated hemp oil with medium-chain triglyceride oil derived from organic coconut oil. It’s available in 100 mg 1 oz. bottles and 500 mg 2 oz. bottles. For dog, cat, and horse owners interested in avoiding any psychoactivity concerns with THC, they offer THC-free Vitality-X™ which is a CBD and MCT oil blend that undergoes an extra filtration process. This extra filtration removes plant materials, waxes, and all but trace amounts of cannabinoids other than CBD. Vitality-X™ comes in a 4 oz. bottle containing 1000 mg of CBD. Both CDB oil products are derived from hemp that is grown free of herbicides, pesticides, and chemical fertilizers, and extracted using a safe supercritical CO2 extraction technique. Phyto Animal Health Hemp Bedding and Litter is an all natural, chemical-free bedding and litter appropriate for pets or livestock. It’s twice as absorbent as straw or wood shavings, and produces less dust than comparable products.





Just last week, Stony Hill Corp entered the pet healthcare industry with the announcement of their TherPet™ line of advanced full-spectrum hemp-derived CBD-based products for pets. Formulated using only full-spectrum hemp oil, organic hemp seed oil, and natural flavors, TherPet™ Hemp Tinctures are designed with pets’ quality of life and holistic well-being in mind. The use of full-spectrum CBD ensures that the tinctures have a wide range of beneficial terpenes and cannabinoids, and delicious natural flavors mean pets will love taking them. Available in 300 mg, 600 mg, and 1200 mg bottles, they are simple to dose appropriately based on a pet’s weight, with 1 mg, 2 mg, or 4 mg of CBD per drop. The tinctures come in chicken, beef, and peanut butter flavors, allowing pet owners to easily add them to food, treats, or drop directly on the tongue. The initial line of TherPet™ products is limited to tinctures, but future product lines will include chews, treats, accessories, and more.












