A 135,000 sq. ft. greenhouse in South Jersey is expected to house over 35,000 cannabis plants by spring of 2019. The greenhouse was originally built to cultivate orchids more than ten years ago. The greenhouse has a chance to become one of the largest cultivation greenhouses of cannabis located on the East Coast.

After years of orchid cultivation the greenhouse location stayed vacant for some time. A company in New York, Acreage Holdings, purchased the former orchid greenhouse for millions of dollars. Acreage made the decision to buy the greenhouse because of New Jersey’s newfound success with medical cannabis that could push for the legalization of recreational cannabis much faster than before.

All of the plants at the South Jersey cultivation site will be grown from seed and will max out their growth height at 3 feet tall. The environmental control of the greenhouse is computerized to perfectly mimic daytime hours and the changes that come with different seasons.