chuttersnap-146799-unsplash (1)Canadian Minister of Border Security and Organized Crime Reduction, Bill Blair, recently made public that the Canadian government is setting aside C$25 million for cannabis research funding. During his tenure as a Member of Parliament, Blair was one of the driving forces which led to the success of the Cannabis Act.

Blair just announced the research funding through a tweet, “[It’s] critical to ensure Canadians have the information they need about cannabis as part of our public health approach to legalization, the health impacts and potential benefits of cannabis.”

The study will be carried out at the University of Calgary. The study will be multi-faceted. One of the focus areas will involve Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome (CHS). There is little detail on the ailment. However, available data suggests it occurs as a result of long-term cannabis use intolerance.

According to the Director of Communications for Blunt Talks, “Experiencing Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome has been challenging physically and mentally. I’ve desperately been searching for more information but there’s a major lack of research on CHS. I am beyond excited to hear that Canada is going to be leading the charge with research on this controversial topic. Canada’s dedication to education is groundbreaking and I think it’s going to inspire more doctors worldwide to study the topic as well.”

Blair also mentioned that students will be developing a cannabis education program. “For many years we could tell our kids was ‘just say no,’ now we can start telling our kids, ‘think’. Just think about the science, the evidence, the impact on your life. The potential harms and risks for your decisions. And those choices need to come from sources they trust.”

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