ronnie-mayo-361348-unsplashTennessee State Senators Janice Bowling and Ron Travis both announced this week that the two will introduce medical cannabis legislation.

The proposed Bowling-Travis bill, which will be endorsed by The Tennessee Medical Cannabis Trade Association (TMCTA), will create a medical cannabis system that provides access to medical cannabis after a prescribed medical card from a doctor visit. The medical card will allow patients to purchase medical cannabis from Tennessee companies that can now be established since the Bowling-Travis bill created and establishes a framework for licensed cannabis cultivation, medical cannabis product production, and medical cannabis dispensary operations.


A key element to the bill is a ‘FastTrack’ system for licenses that offers an incentive to Tennessee residents and well-versed companies to choose between rural or urban cultivation and dispensary location. Other elements within the Bowling-Travis bill include a self-funding commission that is responsible for the regulation of patient access and industries who provide medical cannabis products to patients, a medical cannabis card from diagnosis of a pre-approved condition, and regulatory controls on how the medical cannabis products are presented, where and how the products can be sold and used, and restrictions on instances where conflicts of interests occur.

Senator Janice Bowling stated: “I wanted a new bill that is Tennessee-specific and takes the best of what worked in other states and leaves out what did not. This bill delivers what I wanted. The legislature has not yet had that kind of bill to consider. The Bowling-Travis bill creates a fully functioning framework to license growing, producing and dispensing operations.”

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