glenn-carstens-peters-112923-unsplashSenator Anna Wishart introduced earlier this week, a new piece of legislation for the legalization of medical cannabis.

LB 110 is set to make Nebraska the 34th state within the U.S. that has cannabis legalization through a medical cannabis program. The introduction of the Medical Cannabis Act by Senator Anna Wishart, District 23 (D) Democrat, is in direct response after her experience with Nebraska residents who suffer from illnesses or disease without access to medical cannabis medications.


Senator Wishhart stated: “I am proud to introduce the Medical Cannabis Act in the 106th Legislature, as I have met with and heard the stories of countless Nebraskans that are suffering from a disease or chronic illness and require access to this form of medication.”

The Senator also added that she believes that the Medical Cannabis Act proposed in the 106th Legislature has the ability to create a system for medical cannabis sometime this year in 2019.

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